martes, 22 de noviembre de 2016

Tools for Translators - What's the least that I'll need? 

Translators need tools, yes, just as any other professional does. Tools to produce translations and tools to enhance productivity. The time when translators could rely on dictionaries and encyclopedias only, is over, and if you finally decided to work as a freelance translator you are probably asking yourself "what's the least that I'll need to work as a translator?" Well, this short post will answer this question for you:

Obvious? Yes, but here are some minimum requirements you may find useful: 4 GB RAM, 450 GB capacity (internal storage), big-size screen, and any system and software you feel comfortable using.

CAT Tools - Computer Assisted Translation Tools
Buy yourself a CAT tool, if possible, you'll love it. Wordfast, Trados or MemoQ are good options. These tools are designed to store your translations in a memory that will eventually enhance your productivity. All of them offer trial versions that you can use for one month, so give yourself the opportunity to try them. If you need a tutorial, just look for it in Youtube.

Internet is great, such a wonderful tool to look for anything you can imagine, you just write/ask a question and Saint Google (as I call it) instantly answers you. Make the most out of it and look for: free dictionaries for translators, glossaries, specialized books, acronyms lists, newspapers, magazines, papers, essays, etc. Look for online dictionaries and save them in your "favorites" list. You will find them really useful at any moment.

Big-old-paper dictionaries
"Do you still use big-old-paper dictionaries?" That's a question I use to hear at work when somebody sees me carrying one of those dictionaries. Please don't throw them away, Internet is great, yeah, but... what if the power goes off? You will be happy if you decided to keep one of this old-paper friends.

Are you a freelance translator or are you considering becoming one? What other tools would you add to this list? Please feel free to comment.

My own experience

1 comentario:

  1. Well, yes I am planning on starting as a freelance, but I still have so little resources. I have the computer, the internet, we recently received good information about CAT tools; but to me it will always feel that we need something else, I would say that taking some courses is very important for us too so we can be updated.
